Featured Wabobian
In this series, we'll introduce you to some of our incredible Wabobians around the world!
Erik Karlgren
Motala, Sweden
Favorite Waboba product:
Wingman Pro
First Waboba / when/how did you first discover Waboba:
I discovered the moon balls at my local supermarket about ten years ago.
What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list?
I want to bring my portable disc golf basket and make an ace at the tip of the rock formation Trolltunga, one of the most majestic places on earth situated in Norway.
Favorite Waboba playground / place to play:
I love playing at disc golf courses and indoor with my kids.
Favorite food to eat after a day at the beach:
Smash burgers accompanied by an ice cold lager!
Would you rather walk on water or walk on the moon?
I’d definitely choose the ability to walk on water. Just imagine how many discs I could retrieve by walking straight out on the surface and picking ‘em up.
Are you more of an ocean explorer or mountain rover?
Ocean man! Heat over cold everyday of the week.
What’s a quote or song lyric you live by?
“I don’t know anything about luck. But the harder I train the luckier I get.” Ingmar Stenmark (Swedish iconic alpine ski racer)
What’s your favorite childhood memory?
Every Christmas Eve- the aromas, hearing dad say “I’ll go buy the newspaper” minutes after someone knocked on the door, a feeling that stayed with me.
What’s a childhood movie or tv show that you could not stop watching or one that you love to watch with your kids now? Watching The Lord Of The Ring movies with my kids and see their reactions was lovely!
If you could take a dream vacation, where would it be?
Saint Lucia, I’d definitely bring my Waboba’s!