Play. Relax. Repeat. Seas the day with Seabreeze - our newest water bouncing ball designed for close range play. Bounce it on water like skipping a stone and throw overhand for the best bounce. Plan your next water adventure and pack Seabreeze for the ride. It's vacation-ready and suitcase-approved.
- Bounces on water
- Best for: pool, beach, or lake
- Easy to bounce and catch
- Size: 80mm / 3.15”
- Ages 6+
- Material: lycra and foam combo
Throw the ball so it hits the water surface at an angle in between you and a friend - like how you skip a stone - but throw overhand.
Don't throw straight down. They do not bounce like regular balls. :)

The foam line of water bouncing balls are best for the pool, because they have a moderate bounce distance. They bounce high, but are better suited for close range play. Still pack them for the beach though!
The gel Waboba balls bounce farther, which is why they are better for the ocean or lake, not pools.

New Water Bouncer
Meet Seabreeze
Seas the day with our newest water ball. No matter if you play at the beach or pool, you'll keep life fun!